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Author Topic: Picking things back up  (Read 47188 times)


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Re: Picking things back up
« Reply #210 on: April 26, 2024, 03:55:05 am »
Getting a little confused.

I decided to add a pulley on the go-between part that rotates at a 1:1 with the input and output.

I measure that to the output and I get close to a 1:1 value, that is 1000g of pull on the prime mover needs about 900 to 950g on the resistance side, either direction of rotation.

I measure that to the input side and I get a much larger difference, that is close to 1200g for the prime mover needs about 900 to 950g on the resistance side, either direction of rotation.

I was getting a difference one way when measuring between the input and output, then I advanced the output and locked the output in place and now it is close to a 1:1 either direction.


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Re: Picking things back up
« Reply #211 on: April 26, 2024, 10:40:49 am »
This is odd.

I can move the system with the same force on each side, if I start at the right non sticky spot that is.
I am not taking any notes on this but one way I can keep adding in more prime mover force while maintaining the same resistance force.  This is not the same for all ways I can measure I think but the simple fact that I can do it at all is very odd.

Maybe it is just tweaking the frames and connection belt??? not sure.


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Re: Picking things back up
« Reply #212 on: May 04, 2024, 12:19:44 am »
This is one of those things that has bothered me for as long as I can remember.

I come up with some mechanical idea, do a rough sketch and a very crude approximation of forces and distances and all that, build and test.

Now in the process of all this I get these force amplification relationships. In a lot of systems what I see, and can calculate, is a massive force being created but since it is against a non-changing part there is no work being performed and the very small reflected force that can move happens to match the input to the output for a 1:1 work value.

The part that bothers me is that I can build something to where that non-changing force goes to infinite, I can build this in the real world but of course things don't hold up to an infinite force but I can see these ridiculous force values trying to manifest.  The bothersome part is HOW does the system only reflect the exact amount for a 1:1 work transfer? what is 0.1 percent of infinite?

I can't help but think that there is another level of communication that is happening between the input and output that I am missing, maybe we all are missing it.


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Re: Picking things back up
« Reply #213 on: May 20, 2024, 12:04:26 pm »
Maybe the simple thought that if I can run this setup with a loss of work performed I should be able to "reverse" that loss into a gain,, is to much.

I have been trying different things and maybe got a little oversized even, but right now one way is so close to a 1:1 that I am happy to call it that, after all that is what it should be, but when I run it the other way I am now loosing almost 1\2 of the work I am putting in.

What is frustrating about that is that I can clearly see where and why that loss is occurring but have not been able to figure out how to use that to my advantage.


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