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Messages - webby2

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General stuff / Re: Spiral testbed
« on: June 21, 2017, 09:36:41 am »
I blew up the rotor last week,,

I sort of patched it back together and am still running tests with it.

So far the tests are looking alright, nothing really unexpected with what I am looking for from the testbed.

I am however, also looking into a different way of controlling the output and how I use the input and output.

General stuff / Re: Spiral testbed
« on: June 14, 2017, 10:33:05 pm »
I have 2 points of interaction that I need to happen as expected, I have reliably demonstrated one of those points but the second one is returning varying results.

This is after a tear-down and reassembly of the testbed,

Further testing is needed.

General stuff / Re: Changes
« on: June 14, 2017, 10:31:03 pm »
After a tear down of the testbed and reassembly I have not been able to get repeatable tests on this that confirm my first set of test runs.

General stuff / Spiral testbed
« on: June 13, 2017, 02:11:15 pm »
So far the results from the spiral generator are going slow but in a good direction.

I have had test results that indicate that the counter force is due to the amps moving through the coils and that I can control things as needed to meet my concept.

I am changing things as I go along to try and keep the build simple and make the best choices of compromise so that even this very testbed demonstrates my concept,, even if this exact one has to many frictional losses and such to self run.

After I have finished with this setup I will move on to my next version which should work much better and have much fewer losses but may be more "complicated" to build and setup.

General stuff / Re: Changes
« on: June 10, 2017, 02:16:46 pm »
Ran a test with the old rotor design,, not optimized or anything special just using it as is,,

no load w\coils
15V  162mA

low side green .48V through 49 ohms .0098A  draw increased to 166mA
high side red 5.22V through 500 ohms  .01A  draw increased to 167mA

So it seems that the increase in draw is related to the output amps only when using the same coils.

My stuff / Re: Franken Motor
« on: June 09, 2017, 10:03:38 am »
This is like a solenoid motor but with the solenoid core not moving relative to the coil, only moving relative to an external magnetic field.

The coil controls the domain structure  of the core and that interacts with the permanent magnets that are on the holders,, on each holder all of the poles facing in are the same, then the polarity changes for the next holder.

With this arrangement you can supply a lot of input and drive the rotor around just like puling in a solenoid but without the issue of stopping and then reversing the core.


you can use a pulse to only control the domain alignments and then let the magnetic fields do there thing through the core,, if the core is pulsed with a feed that is high resistance and then lower resistance the coil will oscillate but maintain the same polarity of the domains of the core.  Capturing the return from the coil can be done in a few ways,, I used both coils and an ionized air mass around the commutator to bounce the high voltage back and forth and in that process recharged the caps that were running the system.

I called this method Super Cruise mode and Franken Motor would run with no extra input for up to 5 minutes off of only the charge in the caps,, the main cap would show a slight up and down in voltage but basically maintain the same voltage until some kind of hiccup happened,, the arm might hit something, an arc across the commutator or the brushes would get messed up,, then it would spin down with the voltage on the main cap slowly decreasing,, this could take another 3 minutes.

General stuff / Re: pic test
« on: June 07, 2017, 06:04:47 am »
a few more

General stuff / Re: pic test
« on: June 06, 2017, 03:30:05 pm »
By the way,, this was a testbed for the Skinner device,, just in case anyone wondered what it was.

General stuff / pic test
« on: June 06, 2017, 09:52:49 am »
a test for pics,,

General stuff / Changes
« on: June 01, 2017, 06:37:03 am »
I have totally changed the rotor design.

I realized that the level of complexity in adjusting the rotor the way I was doing it made it very difficult to "tune" to the desired effect,, so I changed it into a much more simple design.

General stuff / Due to abuse
« on: May 27, 2017, 03:32:06 pm »
Due to the abuse of the TOS by a few people I have decided to take this site down from public view and make it mainly a members only site.

I was trying to be open and sharing in the hopes of making a good change to this world that we live in, a world we must all share.

It is very hard to share when a few choose to abuse for their own desires without thought or consideration of others.

My stuff / OCP
« on: May 02, 2017, 07:35:21 am »
Off Center Pulley.

I used this in a few different ways and for a few different things

My stuff / Screwd
« on: May 02, 2017, 07:29:48 am »
Simple Coiled Rotary Entrained Water Device.

Archimedes,, but I found that what I discovered was something that has been discovered many times,, many many times :)

2 versions

My stuff / Drum
« on: May 02, 2017, 07:22:48 am »
Dual Rotor Useless Motor,,

I needed to waste some time so I built this.

It has no case reaction whether you are spinning it up or down unless you put some kind of resistance on only one rotor.

My stuff / Simple mechanical rectifier
« on: May 02, 2017, 07:19:52 am »
I built this because I could not find one

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