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Forum > General stuff


(1/3) > >>

I am going to place the test stuff here.

Right now I have only tested the benchmark setup, I am still making a few more parts for the test-bed itself.

The motor will be run at 3V for all tests.
I am using the same loaded motor with the same 17.2 ohm resistor across its terminals for all of those tests.

The motor with nothing else
0.03A to 0.08A

The motor in the housing
0.05A to 0.08A

The motor in the housing with a second housing output shaft connected directly to the first housing output shaft
0.08A to 0.09A

The motor in the housing with a second housing output shaft connected directly to the first housing output shaft with a motor in the second housing
0.19A to 0.21A

The motor in the housing with a second housing output shaft connected directly to the first housing output shaft with a motor in the second housing and a 17.2 ohm resistor across the second motor terminals
0.29A to 0.31A
Voltage across the resistor

The motor in the housing with a 65T gear attached to the output shaft and the second housing with a 33T gear attached and no second motor
0.9A to 0.11A

The motor in the housing with a 65T gear attached to the output shaft and the second housing with a 33T gear attached WITH motor
0.32A to 0.38A

The motor in the housing with a 65T gear attached to the output shaft and the second housing with a 33T gear attached with motor and a 17.2 ohm resistor across the second motor terminals
0.43A to 0.47A
Voltage across the resistor

due to extra frictional losses with my system I had to increase the voltage to 6V

Here then are those numbers with a 6V input.

They are
no second motor
second motor
second motor with 17.2 ohm resistor across the terminals

benchmark 1:1
0.12 to 0.14
0.24 to 0.26
0.49 to 0.52 v out 1.96 to 1.97

benchmark 1:2
0.15 to 0.18
0.42 to 0.47
0.74 to 0.76 v out 1.48 to 1.52

0.37 to 0.41
0.53 to 0.56
0.68 to 0.72

Observation: with the 2:1 benchmark the load on the motor caused it to heat up and slow down, so I cooled it off several times and ran a short loaded test, the 1:1 benchmark did not appear to exhibit this to the extent of the 2:1 and the system did not appear to exhibit this problem to that extent either.

My system is a geared transmission that is a 1:2 step up ratio, for every 1 RPM in on the input  the output has 2 RPM.  This is a constant ratio.

It uses the twofer gear to communicate the input work through the system and to the output.

I am encouraged by the test results and am now planning on building a better version using more efficient motors and generators to hopefully loop the system.

Thought of something stupid.

How much does it cost me to run the system without the twofer gear engaged?
at 6V it costs between 0.31A to 0.34A . 
That is a lot of the increase in draw,, so maybe I need to start with better motors and generators.

Another stupid thing,,

I do not have the system balanced, at all.
I spun up another test-bed that is about the same mass and stuff as unbalanced as twofer was and had about the same draw readings, well, then I balanced that frame and the draw numbers came down to between 0.16A and 0.24A,, and that was not "perfect".


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